Why Payday Loans Have a Bad Reputation

Payday loans are the method of choice for millions of consumers whenever a financial emergency arises, as they offer quick cash in times of need, and are easy to apply and qualify for. So why are so many people bashing the payday loan industry? It’s simple, really. They see the unlawful actions of a few and assume that everybody is doing the same things – not disclosing terms, taking advantage of borrowers with usurious (excessive) interest rates, or in some unfortunate cases, requiring money up front; these loans are referred to as “advance fee loans,” which are Internet scams that have snookered hundreds of victims.As with any industry, there will always be some “companies” that seek to mislead customers to make money, all the while giving the industry a black eye. In addition to this, many borrowers take out payday loans without fully comprehending the terms of the loan, which obviously does not make for a positive experience. The fact remains, however, that obtaining a payday loan does not have to be a bad experience. If you research companies thoroughly, deal only with reputable companies with a proven track record, and carefully read the terms of a loan, you will find that obtaining a payday loan is a perfectly safe, manageable means to rectify your financial situation.Let’s examine the reasons why people choose to shy away from payday loans further. First, as previously mentioned, many borrowers are either not informed of the terms of the loan before signing the document, or simply gloss over the terms without fully understanding them. All of a sudden, the borrower finds him/herself in a precarious situation. It is mandated by law that lenders MUST disclose all terms in the loan agreement, including the interest rate and schedule for repayment. By simply reading over your loan agreement before signing it, you can decide whether or not you want to proceed.Secondly, let’s be realistic – the interest rates associated with payday loans are rather sky-high. What one must realize is that you are paying for convenience – you are getting fast money at a much higher interest rate than a regular loan. Whereas approval for a regular loan could take weeks, approval for a payday loan can be almost instantly. Credit does not factor into the decision either, so applicants with bad credit or no credit can get approved – when you consider all these factors, it is not hard to understand why lenders are able to get away with charging high interest rates. A rule of thumb to remember, as you have probably seen elsewhere, is you will be charged $15 for every $100 you borrow. The bottom line is, that if you borrow infrequently and responsibly, payday loans are the ideal short-term solution for a financial emergency.Probably the most unfortunate reason why payday loans get such a bad rap is because many borrowers misuse and/or overuse payday loans. They simply rely on them too much, and use them for unnecessary reasons, such as to go on vacations or purchase expensive things. That is not what payday loans are supposed to be for! Payday loans have an explicit purpose – to provide short-term financial relief for emergency situations – a hospital bill, car problems, etc. Overusing payday loans is another problem, as many borrowers have gotten into situations where they have to roll over loans because they cannot repay them. This results in financial ruin, as finance charges pile up and all of a sudden your financial “emergency” becomes a financial “nightmare”. Again, if you borrow infrequently and responsibly, this can be avoided, and payday loans can be seen for what they are.In conclusion, there is a common thread here – in order to get the full benefit of a payday loan and ensure that your experience is as smooth as possible, the onus is fully on you to make sure you do not either get taken advantage of or plunge yourself further into debt. By dealing with reputable companies, such as industry leaders OneHourCash or PayAdvanceLending, you can avoid being taken advantage of and feel secure knowing you are dealing in good faith. Lastly, by borrowing ONLY for financial emergencies and not for unnecessary things you can live without, you will be able to avoid any further debt and the despair that comes along with it. It is up to you – do your research, and make the right decisions.

Natural Skin Care And Beauty – The Steps You Need To Know

With everything going green these days, natural skin care has never been more popular. Skin care companies are adding natural based products to their product offerings. Most any beauty store you pass has natural skin care products in the window. However, true natural skin care is more than using just natural products or homemade skin care remedies. It is a lifestyle routine.Natural skin care is natural beauty and vice versa. However, it is affected by more than what you put on your skin and if that product is natural. Practicing natural skin care involves a lifestyle that practices healthy habits all the time. If you eat a poor diet, never exercise and smoke, then there is not product natural or otherwise that is going to keep your skin young and healthy. The most important factor for maintaining a beautiful complexion starts from the inside. In other words, natural beauty is more than skin deep.Six Factors That Can Influence the Way Your Skin Looks
Diet: What you put. It is just as important as any product you could put on your skin. A balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits, low in sugar, low in bad fats, rich in calcium and plenty of water, will do more to keep you a natural beauty than any store bought product.

Physical Activity and Proper Sleep: Exercise is great for the skin. It promotes good blood flow to the dermis and brings more oxygen to the skin. On the flip side, getting enough sleep is just as necessary for beautiful skin especially as we age. An average adult should get 8 to 9 hours of sleep when possible.

Environment: The outside and inside environment in which you spend your days can affect your skin in many ways. The sun being the most obvious. UVA/UVB rays can do lots of damage to our skin down to the deeper collagen layers. With all the great sun protection choices available, there is no reason not to protect your skin. Wind can dry and chap your skin and smog can leave a thin layer of dirt on your skin; so make sure you moisturize and keep your skin clean. Even air-conditioning and heating can affect the health of your skin.

Heredity: Great skin or skin problems can run in the family. If you get a beautiful complexion from your grandmother, don’t take it for granted. Your skin will still need proper care. The same goes for skin problems. Do not feel like there is nothing you can do. Following the recommendations here and finding a good skin care system can improve or totally alleviate these problems.

Stress: Avoid stress as much as possible. Too much stress can adversely affect your total health including how your skin looks. Practicing natural skin care includes reducing or eliminating stress from your life.

Medications: Certain medications can affect your skin, sometimes resulting in rashes, dry skin or acne. Always consult your doctor if you are taking medications that seem to be changing your skin. Hormonal medications and some antibiotics are examples.
Other tips for a natural skin care lifestyle are:1. Give your body a dry brush exfoliation.Dry brush exfoliation removes dead skin cells and helps to detoxify your skin. Dry brushing also improves lymph and blood circulation. The gentle brushing is also relaxing for your nerves and can help decrease puffiness.2. Try to avoid sugar overload in your diet.Eating sugar is considered one of the major causes of premature aging. Too much sugar in the bloodstream can cause a process to happen known as glycation. Glycation is when a glucose (sugar) molecule attaches to a protein molecule. When this happens, the protein molecule is damaged and a new molecule is formed and is called advanced glycation end-products or AGE’s. AGE’s damage collagen in the skin, cartilage, and ligaments and causes a loss of elasticity. This causes sagging and wrinkles.3. Keep things moving.A sluggish circulation affects your skin by leaving it starved for nutrients. Inactivity can leave you bloated, puffy, increase acne, and encourage cellulite. So if you have a job that leaves you sitting all the time, it is very important to use your breaks and get moving. Talk a couple laps around the office. Join a gym. Get outside on the weekends. Good circulation will improve your skin and your whole body.4. Rev Up Your DigestionA good running digestive system is good for your skin and total well being. People with skin problems often suffer from digestive problems like constipation or an imbalance of good and bad bacteria.To rev up your digestion, try to drink enough water. Water keeps things moving through the colon which is always important. Then make sure to eat enough fiber in your daily diet. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board recommended that women, aged 19 to 50 years, need 25 grams of fiber daily and over age 50, 21 grams of fiber. For men, aged 19 to 50 years, 38 grams of fiber is recommended. Men over 50 years, need to include 31 grams of fiber in their diet.To add fiber to your diet, make sure to include whole grain products, cauliflower, apples with skin, nuts and seeds, prunes, bean, legumes and ground flax seed.5. Eat Good FatsGood fats are the essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Your body cannot live without these essential fatty acids. EFA’s are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. They protect your heart and fight inflammation. EFA’s can help people with dry skin, acne and eczema. Essential fatty acids can be found in cold water fish like salmon or sardines, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and supplements.A few more steps that you should include in your natural skin care and beauty system are:
Brush your teeth after every meal

Pamper yourself with a weekly facial or steam

Treat yourself to a monthly or more total body treatment

Always protect your skin from the sun and elements

Use natural skin care products

Be happy and confident! A smiling face always shows your inner beauty.
For more skin care advice, please visit Better-Skin-Care.com

Using and Implementing Outdoor News Screens

News is an obsession for many people, whether it’s via newspapers, the internet, mobile phone, TV or radio, most of us devour regular news content throughout the day.

Because of this desire to read news content, many outdoor news screens are being installed in many different types of locations to entertain, inform customers. These news feeds are often intermixed with advertising content to provide a revenue source that can pay for the screens and news content.

Most news screens receive direct feeds from over the internet from news agencies like Reuters, Association Press (AP) or Press Association (PA), but local and more targeted news is offered by many local news organisations.

Weather and sporting news are also provided on these types of screen and provides a reason for people to look out for the screen, hence creating a captivated audience for advertisers.

Most news screens are placed in quite hostile locations, however, such as draughty bus stations or even ferry terminals where spray and excessive temperatures can be a potential problem. Many of these outdoor news screens are in outdoor locations too so they need to be protected from the weather and other outdoor elements.

The TV screens used for providing these news feeds tend to be standard commercial grade screens commonly used for digital signage and other out of home use, few of these screens are designed for outdoor use so they are protected using outdoor LCD enclosures.

Designed to accommodate nearly all major sizes of screen, the LCD enclosure provides all the outdoor protection these screens require to allow them to function outside. They ensure the screen is waterproof whilst also ensuring the internal temperatures of the enclosure are never too high or too low from the optimum for the device-regardless of the ambient conditions.

Richard N Williams is a technical author and a specialist in the digital signage industry helping to develop outdoor digital signage and protection for plasmas. Please visit us for more information about LCD Enclosures or other digital signage solutions.